Atlantic Bone Screen has been developing specific expertise in skin histology for the past 10 years. Staining and immuno-staining (IHC and IF) can be performed on paraffin and frozen samples and specific protocols can be developed under request and transferred to your Lab.
- On natural or reconstructed skin samples
- Different layers of the skin markers
- On paraffin or frozen samples
- +60 protocols (see examples below)
- Development and validation of protocols under request
- Protocol transfer
- Fields acquisition and reconstruction of composites
- Transmitted light and epifluorescence microscopy
- Whole Slide Imaging – Nanozoomer
- Confocal microscopy
Non-exhaustive list of available markers:
a-Actin | Collagen VII | Involucrin | Loricrin |
b-Catenin | Desmocollin | Keratin 10 | Perlecan |
CD31 | Desmoglein | Keratin 14 | PGC1a |
CD44 | Fibrillin | Ki67 | Procollagen I |
Collagen I | Filaggrin | Laminin | TGM1 |
Collagen IV | Integrin α6 | LEKTI | Vimentin |