The interaction PD1/PDL-1 suppresses the T cell function and ultimately promotes tumor evasion of the immune system.
Thus, the hyperactivated PD1/PDL-1 signals in tumor tissues are a negative prognostic marker for some tumors, especially intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma.
Therefore, the control of PD1/PDL-1 pathway is a potential immunotherapeutic target for metastatic tumors.
In preclinical antitumoral compounds evaluation, the expressions of PD1 and PDL-1 are thus usually investigated by IHC (immunohistochemistry).
Among the immunostaining that are routinely used on biopsies from tumoral preclinical models, Atlantic Bone Screen is using PD1 and PDL-1 IHC markers on paraffin embedded samples and providing qualitative or semi-quantitative analyses to evaluate antitumoral effect.

Below illustration are based on samples from mice human osteosarcoma model (harvested from humanized mice model).  
 Model: humanized mouse model
Groupe 1: humanized mice injected with a vehicle solution.
Groupe 2: humanized mice injected with anti-cancer drugs.
Analyses:  a qualitative or a semi-quantitative analyses of PD1 and PDL1 using IHC.
Conclusion: the inhibition of PD1/PDL1 using anti-cancer drugs could be correlated to a positive prognostic and the drug efficacity compared to the control group.
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